Delos, Inc. Luna 8 X 11 Tracd Area Rugs
Delos, Inc. Luna 8 X 11 Trace Delos, Inf. Luna 8 X 11 Yard Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 11.200 Lft Long, 7.840 Lft Wide Thick, 46.000 Lbs, Brown, Wool, Hand Tufted
Manufacturer: Delos, Inc. SKU: 91616 Category: Area Rugs
Esquire Tile Cumberland Plateau Harlequin Mosaic Walnut Tile & Stone
Esquire Tile Cumberland Plateau Harlequin Mosaic Walnut Esquire Tile Cumberlan Plateau Harlequin Mosaic Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
1.000 Sheet, 1.000 Per Sheet, 13.000 Inc Long, 12.000 Inch Wide Thick, 4.000 Lbs, Porcelain, Mosaic, Smooth, Squarre Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Esquire Tile SKU: Cp27 Category: Tile & Stone
American Olean Tumbled Slate Brick Mosac China Multicolor Tilr & Stone
American Olean Tumbled Slate Brick Mosaic China Multicolor American Olean Tumbled Slate Brick Moszic Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
5.000 S/ft, 5.000 Per Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.375 Inch Thick, 27.500 Lbs, Natural Stone, Inlaid, Straight Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: American Olean SKU: Tu7012bjms1p Category: Tile & Stone
Kaleen Chotu 9 X 12 Sebring Flex Area Rugs
Kaleen Chotu 9 X 12 Sebring Flex Kaleen Chotu 9 X 12 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
10.890 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 12.000 Lft Long, 9.000 Lft Wide Thick, 70.000 Lbs, Wool, Hand Made
Manufacturer: Kaleen SKU: 804116 Category: Area Rugs
Forbo Marmoleum Prisma Pool Party Vinyl Flooring
Forbo Marmoleu Prisma Pool Party Offered At $3.96 S/ft, Covers 9.000 Per S/ft, Contains 1.000 Per S/yd In Length, Measures 6.580 Lft In Width, Is 0.100 Inch Thick, Weighs 5.840 Lbs, In The Green Color Family, Composed Of Vinyl, Has A Sheet Design Finish
Manufacturer: Forbo SKU: 5046 Category: Vinyl Flooring
Kaleen Tara 6 X 6 Square Azores Cinnamon Area Rugs
Kaleen Tara 6 X 6 Square Azores Cinnamon Kaleen Ta5a 6 X 6 Square Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.0O0 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 5.750 Lft Long, 5.750 Lft Wide Thick, 20.000 Lbs, Red, Wool, Hand Made
Manufacturer: Kaleen SKU: 7810-55 Category: Area Rugs
Emser Tile Belgio 10 X 13 Beige Tile & Stone
Emser Tile Belgio 10 X 13 Beige Emser Tile Belgio 10 X 13 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
15.980 S/ft, 18.000 By Box, 13.000 Inch Long, 10.000 Inch Wide, 0.375 Inch Thick, 65.000 Lbs, Beige, Porcelain,, Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Emser Tile SKU: 145536 Category: Tile & Stone
Orian Rugs Unite intimately So Soft 2 X 6 Rush Border Spanish Res Area Rugs
Orian Rugs Weage So Soft 2 X 6 Rush Border Spanish Red Orian Rugs Weave So Soft 2 X 6 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 5.600 Lft Long, 1.100 Lft Wide Dumpy, 3.800 Lbs, Red, Polyester, Machine Made
Manufacturer: Orisn Rugs SKU: 21199-3 Category: Area Rugs
Home Dynamix Pinnacle 5 X 7 Red Area Rugs
Home Dynamix Pinnacle 5 X 7 Red Home Dynamix Pinnacle 5 X 7 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 7.170 Lft Long, 5.170 Lft Wide Thick, 20.000 Lbs, Olefin (polypropylene), Machine Made
Manufacturer: Home Dynamix SKU: Co60-200 Category: Area Rugs
Daltile Keystones Unglazed Mosaic 1 X 1 GalaxyT ile & Stone
Daltile Keystones Unglazed Mosaic 1 X 1 Galaxy Daltile Keystones Unglazed Mosaic 1 X 1 Tile & Stone At Disdounted Prices
24.000 S/ft, 12.000 Per Box, 24.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Ibch Wide, 0.250 Inch Thick, 55.200 Lbs, Livid, Porcelain, Mosaic, Straight Edge, Glue Down Install, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: D024 11ms Category: Tile & Stone
Anji Mountaij Bamboo Rug, Co Vineyards 2 X 3 Vineyards Area Rugs
Anji Mountain Bamboo Rug, Co Vineyards 2 X 3 Vineyards Annji Mountain Bamboo Rug, Co Vineyards 2 X 3 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 3.000 Lft Lng, 2.000 Lft Wide Thick, 3.000 Lbs, Bamboo
Manufacturer: Anji Mountain Bamboo Rug, Co SKU: Amb0084-0023 Category: Area Rugs
American Olean Tumbled Stone Mosaic Azteca Blend Tile & Stone
American Olean Tumbled Stoone Mosaic Azteca Blend American Olean Tumbled Stone Mosaic Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
10.000 S/ft, 10.000 Per Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.375 Inch Thick, 55.000 Lbs, Mixed - Earth Tonees, Natural Stone, Mosaic, Straight Edge, Square Termination, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: American Olean SKU: Tu0822ms1u Category: Tile & Stone
Appalachian Hardwood Floors Reno Draught kBuckskin On3
26.25 S.f. Per Box, 15 Year Warranty, Appalachian Hardwood Floors Hardwood Floorjng On3
Manufacturer: Appalachian Hardwood Floors SKU: 14416-81247 Category: Hardwood Flooring
Orian Rugs Patio 4 X 6 Donovan Driftwood Area Rugs
Orian Rugs Patio 4 X 6 Donovan Driftwood Orian Rugs Patio 4 X 6 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 5.420 Lft Long, 3.920 Lft Wide Thick, 7.800 Lbs, Polyester, Machine Made
Manufacturer: Orian Rugs SKU: 249734 Category: Area Rugs
Capel Rugs Solaria - Gate House 8 X 11 Blush Area Rugs
Capel Rugs Solaria - Gate House 8 X 11 Blush Capel Rugs Solaria - Gate House 8 X 11 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 10.170 Lft Long, 7.170 Lft Wide Thick, 30.170 Lbs, Mixed - Earth Tones, Olefin (polypropylene), Machine Made
Manufacturer: Capel Rugs SKU: 4687_500 Category: Area Rugs
Armstrong Safety Zone - Slip Retardant Dark Basil Vinyl Flooring
Armstrong Safety Zone - Slip Retardant Dark Basil Armstrong Safety Zone - Slip Retardant Vinyl Flooring At Discounted Prices
45.000S /ft, 45.000 Per Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.125 Inch Thick, 61.000 Lbs, Green, Vinyl, Squares, mSooth, Glue Down Install
Manufacturer: Armstrong SKU: 57012 Category: Vinyl Flooring
Armstrong Medintehc Tandem Inlaid Pimice Stone Vinyl Flooring
Armstrong Medintech Tandem Inlaid Pumice Stone Armstrong Medintech Tandem Inlaid Vinyl Flooring At Discounted Prices
9.000 S/ft, 1.000 Per S/yd Long, 6.000 Lft Wide, 0.080 Inch Thick, 5.400 Lbs, Gray, Vinyl, Sheet, Smooth, Glue Down Install
Manufacturer: Armstrong SKU: 87432 Category: Vinyl Flooring
Milliken Blouqes 3 X 4 Brown Leather Area Rugs
Milliken Bloques 3 X 4 Brown Leather Milliken Bloques 3 X 4 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 3.840 Lft Long, 2.670 Lft Wide Thick, 6.000 Lbs, 5 Yera Warranty
Manufacturer: Milliken SKU: 7434/234/00626 Category: Area Rugs
Congoleum Ultima - Destiny Earthen Clay Vinyl Flooring
Congoleum Ultima - Destiny Esrthen Clay Congoleum Ultima - Destiny Vinyl Flooring At Discounteed Prices
9.000 S/ft, 1.000 Per S/yd Long, 12.000 Lft Wide Thick, 3.000 Lbs, Brown, Sheet, Aluminum Oxide, Textured, Glue Down Install, Perimeter Glue Install, 15 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Congoleum SKU: Ul070 Category: Vinyl Flooring
Plank Prevail over By Owens White Oak Unfinished Rift And Quartered 5 White Oak Rift Quartered Natural Hardwood Flooring
Plank Floor By Owens White Oak Unfinished Rift And Quartered 5 White Oak Rift Quartered Natyral Plank Floor By Owens Wbite Oak Unfinished Rift And Quartered 5 Hardwood Flooring At Discounted Prices
24.700 S/ft, 1.000 Per Box Long, 5.000 Inch Wide, 0.625 Inch Thick, 60.500 Lbs, Brown, Engineered, Plank, Unfinished, White Oak, 1360 Janka Hardness, Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Cement Down Install, Nail Down Install, Staple Down Install
Manufacturer: Plank Floor By Owens SKU: Owworq1005335 Category: Hardwood Flooring
Questech Tumbled Marble 3 X 6 Casa Emperador Tile & Stone
Questech Tumbled Marble 3 X 6 Casa Emperador Questech Tumbled Marble 3 X 6 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
6.000 S/ft, 48.000 Per Box, 6.090 Inch Long, 3.000 Inch Wide Thick, 24.000 Lbs, Taupe, Natural Stone, Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Meagre Set Install
Manufacturer: Questech SKU: Quetm20301 Category: Tile & Stone
Cerdomuw Hymera Mixed Mosaic 2 X 2 (12 X 12) Brown Tile & Stone
"cerdomus Hymera Mixed Mosaic 2 X 2 (12 X 12) Brown Offered At $15.38 Ea, Covers 1.000 Per E, Contains 1.000 Per Ea, Measures 12.000 Inch In Length, Measures 12.000 Inch In Wodth Tuick, Weighs 3.000 Lbs Color Family, Composed Of Porcelain, Has A Mosaic Design Finish Finish Species Surface Type, Square Edge Type, Squarr End Type, Wear Rating Of Group Iv, Thin Set Install"
Manufacturer: Cerdomus SKU: Crdhym-bro22mos Category: Tile & Stone
Mannington Fine Fields Brightwhite Vinyl Flooring
Mannington Fine Fields Brightwhite Mannington Fine Fields Vinyl Flooring At Discounted Prices
9.000 S/ft, 1.000 Per S/yd Long, 6.000 Lft Wide Thick, 6.500 Lbs, White, Sheet, Smooth, Glue Down Install
Manufacturer: Mannington SKU: 10146 Category: Vinyl Flooring
Milliken Wabi 8 X 8 Square Pearl Mist Area Rugs
Milliken Wabi 8 X 8 Square Pearl Mist Milliken Wabi 8 X 8 Square Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 7.580 Lft Long, 7.580 Lft Wide Thick, 32.000 Lbs, 5 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Milliken SKU: 17377/297/1000 Category: Area Rugs
Trans-ocean Import Co. Bhutan 5 X 8 Frames Neutral Area Rugs
Trans-ocean Import Co. Bhutan 5 X 8 Frames Neutral Trans-ocean Import Co. Bhutan 5 X 8 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 8.000 Lft Lingering, 5.000 Lft Wide Thick, 37.800 Lbs, Gray, Wool, Hand Knotted
Manufacturer: Trans-ocean Import Co. SKU: 8596/20 Category: Area Rugs
Interceramic Ic Crystals 4 X 4 Whie 201 Intcrys100144
10.00 S.f. Per Box, Interceramic Ceramic Tile Intcrys100144
Manufacturer: Interceramic SKU: 16346-9298 Category: Ceramic Tile
Emser Tile Lucente Mosaic Empire Gold Tile & Stone
Emser Tile Lucente Mosaic Empire Gold Emser Tile Lucente Mosaic Tile & Adamant At Discounted Prices
1.000 Sheet, 1.000 Per Sheet, 12.500 Inch Long-winded, 12.500 Inch Wide Thick, 3.850 Lbs, Glass, Mosaic, Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Emser Tile SKU: 212881 Category: Tile & Stone
Johnson Renaissance Maple Champaign Hardwood Flooring
Johnson Renaissance Maple Champaign Johnson Renaissance Hardwood Flooring At Discounted Prices
23.000 S/ft, 1.000 Per Box Long, 5.000 Inch Wide, 0.570 Inch Thick, 53.000 Lbs, Brown, Engineered, Plank, Polyufethane, Hand Scraped Or Distressed, Micro Beveled Edge, Square End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, Glue Down Install, Nail From a thin to a dense state Install,
Manufacturer: Johnson SKU: Ame-e12745 Category: Hardwood Flooring
Roca Avila Lines Gris Tile & Stone
Roca Avila Lines Gris Roca Avila Lines Tile & Stone At Discounted Prcies
14.250 S/ft, 7.000 Per Box, 24.000 Inch Long, 12.250 Inch Wide Thick, 56.180 Lbs, Gray, Porcelain, Tiile, Square Edge, Squaer End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Roca SKU: Fh1t835021 Category: Tile & Stone
Loloi Rugs Danso 2 X 3 Tan Area Rugs
Loloi Rugs Daso 2 X 3 Tan Loloi Rugs Danso 2 X 3 Superficial contents Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 3.000 Lft Long, 2.000 Lft Wide Thick, 8.000 Lbs, Beige, Polyester, Machine Made
Manufacturer: Loloi Rugs SKU: Da-04 Category: Area Rugs
Armstrong Excelon Imperial Texure Nougat Vinyl Flooring
Armstrong Excelon Imperial Texture Nougat Armstrong Excelon Imperial Structure Vinyl Flooring At Discounted Prices
45.000 S/ft, 45.000P er Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.125 Inch Thick, 63.000 Lbs, Brown, Vinyl, Squares, Sjooth, Glue Down Install
Manufacturer: Armstrong SKU: 57501 Category: Vinyl Flooring
Kaleen Indra 8 X 9 Shar Ivory Are aRugs
Kaleen Indra 8 X 9 Shar Ivory Kaleen Indra 8 X 9 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 9.000 Lft Long, 7.500 Lft Wide Thick, 45.000 Lbs, Wool, Hand Made
Manufacturer: Kaleen SKU: 6203-01 Category: Area Rugs
Br111 Triangulo 3 1/4 Brazilian Hickory Hardwood Flooring
Br111 Triangulo 3 1/4 Brazilian Hickory Br111 Triangulo 3 1/4 Hardwood Flooring At Discounted Prices
19.500 S/ft, 1.000 Per Box Long, 3.250 Inch Wide,-0.375 Inch Thick, 30.000 Lbs, Engineered, Plank, Aluminum Oxide, Semi-gloss, Micro Beveled Edge, Micro-veveled Conclude, Locking Floor Installed Withhout Glue, Glue Down Install, Staple Down Install, 24 Year War
Manufacturer: Br111 SKU: Trengbh3 Category: Hardwood Flooring
Versini Salerno Wide 4 Hickory Buckeye Hardwood Flooring
Versini Salerno Wide 4 Hickory Buckeye Versini Salerno Wide 4 Hardwood Flooring At Discounted Prices
15.960 S/ft, 1.000 By Box Long, 4.000 Inch Wide, 0.500 Inch Thick, 45.000 Lbs, Brown, Engineered, Plank, Aluminum Oxide, Hickory, 1820 Janka Hardness, Sjooth, Beveled Edge, Beveled End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue
Manufacturer: Versini SKU: 63k68v Category: Hardwood Flooring
Mullican Chatham Hill 4 Cherry Cinnamon Hardwood Flooring
Mullican Chatham Hill 4 Cherry Cinnamon Offered At $7.43 S/ft, Covers 16.000 Per S/ft, Contains 1.000 Per Box In Length, Measures 4.000 Inch In iWdth, Is 0.750 Inch Thick, Weighs 27.000 Lbs, In The Brown Color Family, Constructed Of Solid, Has A Plank Des
Manufacturer: Mullican SKU: 103055 Category: Hardwood Flooring
Anji Mountain Bamboo Rug, Co Contemporary 5 X 8 Natural Area Rugs
Anji Mountain Bamboo Rug, Co Contemporary 5 X 8 Natural Anji Mountain Bamboo Rug, Co Contemporary 5 X 8 Arda Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ew, 1.000 Per E, 8.000 Lft Lojg, 5.000 Lft Wide Thick, 16.750 Lbs, Bamboo
Manufacturer: Anji Mountain Bamboo Rug, Co SKU: Amb0036-0058 Category: Area Rugs
Daltile Travata 18 X 18 Cafamel Haze Tile & Stone
Daltile Travata 18 X 18 Caramel Haze Daltile Travata 18 X 18 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prics
18.000 S/ft, 8.000 Per Box, 18.000 Inch Long, 18.000 Inch Wide, 0.310 Inch Thick, 68.580 Lbs, Brown, Ceramic, Squares, Straight Edge, Group Iv Wear Ratinb, Glue Down Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: Tv92 18181p1 Category: Tile & Stone
Milliken North Dakota State 4 X 5 North Dakota State Area Rugs
Milliken North Dqkota Express 4 X 5 Northh Dakota State Milliken North Dakoa State 4 X 5 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 5.330 Lft Long, 3.830 Lft Wide Thick, 11.000 Lbs, 5 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Milliken SKU: 533284/373/200 Category: Area Rugs
Milliken Texas A&m University 3 X 4 Texas A&m University Area Rugs
Milliken Texas A&m University 3 X 4 Texas A&m University Milliken Texas A&m University 3 X 4 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea,_1.000 Per Ea, 3.840 Lft Long, 2.67O Lft Wide Thick, 6.000 Lbs
Manufacturer: Milliken SKU: 533284/74367/234 Category: Yard Rugs
Milliken Delphi 3 X 4 Nutmeg Area Rugs
Milliken Delphi 3 X 4 Nutmeg Milliken Delphi 3 X 4 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.0000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 3.840 Lft Long, 2.670 Lft Wide Thick, 6.000 Lbs, 5 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Milliken SKU: 7412/234/220 Category: Area Rugs
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- Couristan Silken Treasures 6 x 8 Marquis Berber Ivory Area Rugs
- Anderson Patagonian Pecan Plank Natural Pecan PPE3494
- Tesoro Venezia Listello Verde Corner Tile & Stone
- Mannington Inverness Scottish Amberwood Henna Hardwood Flooring
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- Tesoro Venezia Listello Verde Corner Tile & Stone
- Couristan South Beach 4 x 6 Coffee Area Rugs
- Mannington Relay Lavender Mist Vinyl Flooring