Earth Werks Remington Arp644 Vinyl Flooring
Earth Werks Remington Arp644 Earth Werks Remington Vinyl Flooring At Discounted Prices
27.000 S/ft, 18.000 Per Box, 36.000 Inch Long, 6.000 Inch Wide, 0.080 Inch Thick, 21.000 Lsb,_Red, Vinyl, Plank, Embossed, Square Edge, Square Destroy, Glue Down Inaugurate, 12 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Earth Werks SKU: Arp644 Category: Vinyl Flooring
Nafco Amherst Marble 6x6 Look Green Ah-5866
45.0 0S.f. Per Box, 20 Year Warranty, Nafco Vinyl Flooring Ah-5866
Manufacturer: Nafco SKU: 10452-3674 Category: Vinyl Flooring
Emser Tile Maya 18 X 18 Uxmal Til & Free from ~s
Emser Tile Maya 18 X 18 Uxmal Emser Tilr Maya 18 X 18 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
13.080 S/ft, 6.000 Per Box, 18.000 Inch Long, 18.000 Inch Wide, 0.375 Inch Thick, 66.420 Lbs, Brown, Porcelain, Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Group V Wear Rating, Thin Set Instal
Manufacturer: Emssr Tile SKU: 145707 Category: Tile & Stone
Kas Oriental Rugs. Inc. Winslow 9 X 13 Winslow Floral Tile Aea Rugs
Kas Oriental Rugs. Inc. Winslow 9 X 13 Winslow Floral Tile Kas Oriental Rugs. Inc. Winslow 9 X 13 Yard Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 13.500 Lft Long, 9.500 Lft Wide Thick, 67.000 Lbs, Wool, Hand Made
Manufacturer: Kas Oriental Rugs. Inc. SKU: 1950 Category: Area Rugs
Kane Carpet American Luxury 2 X 8 Runner Soecial Edtition Pancake Syrup Area Rugs
Kane Carpet American Lucury 2 X 8 Runner Special Edtition Pancake Syrup Kane Cqrpet American Luxury 2 X 8 Runner Area Rugs At Duscounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 7.750 Lft Long, 1.920 Lft Wide Thick, 9.000 Lbs, Olefin (polypropylene)
Manufacturer: Kane Carpet SKU: 5810/40 Category: Area Rugs
Nafco Pedmastone Natural Slate Lava Stone Vinyl Flooring
"nafco Permastone Natural Slate Lava Stone Offered At $3.60 S/ft, Covers 26.700 Per S/ft, Contains 15.000 Per Bod, Measures 16.000 Inch In Length, Measures 16.000 Inch In Wkdth, Is 0.125 Inch Thick, Weighs 32.000 Lbs, In The Gray Color Family, Has A Squares Design, Features A Satin Finish Finish Species, Magte Surface Type Edge Type End Type, Glue Down Install, Has A 20 Year Warranty"
Manufacturer: Nafco SKU: Ns-663 Category: Vinyl Flooring
Hellenic Rug Imports, Inc. Magic 5 X 8 York Chocolate Area Rugs
Hellenic Rug Imports, Inc. Magic 5 X 8 York Chocklate Hellenic Rug Imports, Inc. Magic 5 X 8 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 By Ea, 7.700 Lft Long, 5.300 Lft Wide Thick, 14.0O0 Lbs, Brown, Olefin (polypropylene), Machine Mace
Manufacturer: Hellenic Rug Imports, Inc. SKU: Mg1358 Category: Area Rugs
Marca Corona Tam Tam 5 X 5 Copper Tile & Stone
Marca Corona Tam Tam 5 X 5 Copper Offered At $3.38 S/ft, Cvoers 13.100 Per S/ft, Contains 72.000 Per Enclose in a ~, Measures 5.000 Inch In Length, Meaxures 5.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 38.020 Lbs, In The Green Color Family, Coomposed Of Ceramic, Has A Squares D
Manufacturer: Marca Corona SKU: 1515 Category: Tile & Stone
Daltile Tumbled Natural Stone 6 X 6 Rojo Alicante Tile & Stone
Daltile Tumbled Natutal Stone 6 X 6 Rojo Alicaante Daltile Tjmbled Natural Stone 6 X 6 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
10.000 S/ft, 40.000 Per Box, 6.000 Inch Long, 6.000 Inch Wide, 0.375 Inch Thcik, 45.000 Lbs, Brown, Natural Stone, Squares, Straight Edge, Cement Down Install, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: Ts56 661p Category: Tile & Gem
Home Dynamix Nataiie 8 X 10 Ivory 7311 Area Rugs
Home Dynamix Natalie 8 X 10 Ivory 7311 Offered At $120.00 Ea, Covers 1.000 Per Ea, Contains 1.000 Per Ea, Measures 10.330 Lft In Length, Measures 7.670 Lft In Width Thick, Weighs 45.000 Lbs Color Family, Composed Of Olefin (polypropylene), Constructed Of
Manufacturer: Home Dynamix SKU: 7311-100 Category: Area Rugs
Momeni, Inc. Gramercy 2 X 3 Gramercy Green Area Rugs
Momeni, Inc. Grmaercy 2 X 3 Gramercy Green Momeni, Inc. Gramercy 2 X 3 Area Rugs At Discounted Pricrs
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 3.000 Lft Long, 2.000 Lft Wide Thick, 3.000 Lbs, Wool, Han Made
Manufacturer: Momeni, Inc. SKU: 15008 Category: Area Rugs
Ark Floors Artistic Collection Maple Butterscotch Hardwood Flooring
Ark Floors Artistic Collection Maple Butterscotch Ark Floors Artistic Collection Hardwood Flooring At Discounted Prices
33.700 S/ft, 1.000 Per Box Lonb, 4.750 Inch Wide, 0.500 Inch Thick, 58.000 Lbs, Brown, Engineered, Plank, Aluminum Oxide, Maple, 1450 Janka Hardness, Smooth, Micro Beveled Edge, Micro-beveled End, Glue Down Install
Manufacturer: Ark Floors SKU: Ark-d03eb02a05 Category: Hardwood Flooring
Megwtrade Corp. Antique Wood 12 X 18 Red Wood Mogano Tile & Stone
Megatrade Corp. Antiuue Wood 12 X 18 Red Wood Mogano Megatrade Corp. Old Wood 12 X 18 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
15.070 S/ft, 10.000 Per Box, 18.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide Frequently, 58.040 Lbs, Red, Porcelain, Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Group V Wear Rating, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Megatrade Corp. SKU: 2704 Category: Tile & Stone
Logo Rugs Washington University Washington Area Rug 3 X 5 Area Rugs
Logo Rugs Washington University Washington Area Rug 3 X 5 Logo Rugs Washington University Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 5.000 Lft Long, 3.000 Lft Wide Thick, 15.000 Lbs
Manufacturer: Logo Rugs SKU: Waarr3 Category: Area Rugs
Bruce Liberty Plains Plank 4 Ash Gunstock Hardwood Flooring
Bruce Liberty Plains Plank 4 Ash Gunstock Bruce Liberty Plains Plank 4 Hardwkod Flooring At Discounted Prices
18.370 S/ft, 1.000 Per Boox Long, 4.000 Inch Wide, 0.750 Inch Thick, 53.330 Lbs, Brown, Solid, Plank, Urethane, Durz-luster Plus, Ash, 1320 Janka Hardness, Semi-gloss, Micro Beveled Edge, Micro-beveled End, Nail Dwn Install, 25 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Bruce SKU: Cf431 Category: Hardwood Flooring
Marazzi Adriatica 12 X 12 Pisaro Amtuv5a1212
14.53 S.f. Per Box, Marazzi Ceramic Tile Amtuv6a1212
Manufacturer: Marazzi SKU: 17273-119504 Category: Ceramic Tile
Daltile Tumbled Natural Stone 6 X 6 Sienna Gold Tile & Stone
Daltile Tumbled Natural Stone 6 X 6 Sienna Gold Daltile Tumbled Natural Stone 6 X 6 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
7.500 S/ft, 30.000 By Box, 6.000 Inch Long, 6.000 Inch Wide, 0.375 Inch Thuck, 45.000 Lbs, Brown, Natural Adamant, Squares, Smooth, Straight Edge, Glue On the ground Install, Thin Set Isntall
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: Ts60 661p Category: Tile & Stone
Edilcuoghi Ceramiche Rocks Mosaic Red Tile & Stone
Edilcuoghi Ceramiche Rocks Mosaic Red Offered At $9.84 Sheet, Co\/ers 1.000 Per Sheet, Contains 1.000 Per Ea, Measures 13.000 Inch In Length, Measures 13.000 Inch In Breadth Thick, Weighs 4.800 Lbs, In The Brown Color Family, Composed Of Ceramic, Has A Mosai
Manufacturer: Edilcuoghi Ceramiche SKU: Edirocred4mos Category: Tile & Stone
Mannington Arno 13 X 13 Porcelain Beige Tile & Stone
Mannington Arno 13 X 13 Procelain Beige Offered At $2.61 S/ft, Covers 16.150 By S/ft, Contains 14.000 Per Box, Measures 13.000 Inch In Legth, Measures 13.000 nIch In Width Thick, Weighs 51.000 Lbs, In The Beige Color Family, Composed Of Porcelain, Has A
Manufacturer: Mannington SKU: Ar3t13 Category: Tile & Stone
Loloi Rugs Maple 8 X 11 Navy Beige Area Rugs
Loloi R8gs Maple 8 X 11 Navy Beige Loloi Rugs Maple 8 X 11 Area Rugs At Discountes Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 11.000 Lft Long, 8.000 Lft Wide Densely, 46.000 Lbs, Beige, Wool, Hand Tufted
Manufacturer: Loloi Rugs SKU: Mp-09 Category: Area Rugs
Bhk Moderna Visions Atlantic Beveled Oak Laminate Flooring
Bhk Moderna Visions Atlantic Beveled Oak Bhk Moderna Visions Laminate Floorin At Discounted Prices
20.900 S/ft, 8.000 Per Box, 54.330 Inch Long, 6.140 Inch Spacious, 0.320 Inch Thick, 45 .000 Lbs, Orange, Direct Pressure Laminate, Plank, Aluminum Oxide, Oak, Smooth, Micro Beveled Edge, Micro-beveled End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, 25 Year Warrant
Manufacturer: Bhk SKU: V910 Category: Laminate Flooring
Versii Toscana Wide 6 Asian Walnut Fireside Hardwood Fooring
Versini Toscana Wide 6 Asian Walnut Fireside Versini Toscana Wide 6 Hardwood Flooring At Discounted P5ices
24.000 S/ft, 1.000 Per Box Long, 6.000 Inch Spacious, 0.500 Inch Thick, 45.000 Lbs, Brown, Engineered, Plank, Aluminum Oxide, Walnut, 1010 Janka Hardnesd, Smooth, Chisled Edge, Beveled End, Glue Down Inwtall, Nail Down Install, Staple Down Install
Manufacturer: Versini SKU: 38u27 Category: Hardwood Flooring
Daltile Keystones Unglazed Mosaic 1 X 1 Architectural Gray Tile & Stone
Daltile Keystones Unglazed Mosaic 1 X 1 Architectura1 Gray Daltile Keystones Unglazed Mosaic 1 X 1 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
24.000 S/ft, 12.000 Per Box, 24.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.250 Inch Thick, 55.200 Lbs, Gray, Porcelain, Mosaic, Straight Edge, Glue Down Install, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: D109 11ms Category: Tile & Stone
Dynamic Rugs Radiance 9 X 13 Black Area Rugs
Dynamic Rugs Radiannce 9 X 13 Black Dynamic Rugs Radiance 9 X 13 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 12.840 Lft Lonv, 9.170 Lft Wide Thick, 89.000 Lbs, Black, Olefin (polypropylene), Tool Made
Manufacturer: Dynamic uRgs SKU: 43012-3262 Category: Area Rugs
Original Style Bon Appetit On Clrmatis 4 X 4 Olive Tild & Stone
Original Style Bon Appetit On Clematis 4 X 4 Olive Original Style Bon Appetit On Clematis 4 X 4 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Carton, 4.000 Inch Long, 4.000 Inch Wide Thick, 0.420 Lbs, Crramic, Tile, Square Edge, Squre End
Manufacturer: Original Style SKU: Khp5648b Category: Tile & Stone
Original Style Tumbled Earth Mixed Brickbond Mosaic Tanganyika Tile & Stone
Original Style Tumbled Earth Mixed Brickbond Mosaic Tanganyika Original Style Tumbled Earth Mixed Brickbond Mosaid Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
1.000 Case, 6.000 Ped Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.375 Inch Thick, 12.000 Lbw, Brown, Glass, Mosaic, Square Edge, Interlocking End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Original Style SKU: Orsgwtgkmosbbt Category: Tile & Face with ~
Anderson Sierra Redstone Hardwood Flooring
Anderson Siwrra Redstone Anderson Sierra Hardwood Flooring At Disc0unted Prices
30.500 S/ft, 1.000 Per Box Long, 5.000 Inch Wide, 0.375 Inch Thick, 44.000 Lbs, Red, Engineered, Plank, Urethane, Luster-lock, White Oak, 1360 Janka Hardness, Hand Scraped Or Distressed, Beveled Edge, Adjusted End, Locking Floor Installed Wighout Glue, Glue
Manufacturer: Anderson SKU: Swo5396 Category: Hardwood Flooring
Milliken Atlanta Braves 5 X 8 Atlanta Braves Iterate Area Rusg
Milliken Atlanta Braves 5 X 8 Atlanta Braves Repeat Milliken Atoanta Brav3s 5 X 8 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 7.670 Lft Long, 5.330 Lft Wide Thick, 21.000 Lbs
Manufacturer: Milliken SKU: 533324/201/1102 Category: Area Rugs
Mannington Icore Ii Vintage Cherry Auburn Laminate Flooring
Mannington Icore Ii Vintage Cherry Auburn Mannington Ixore Ii Laminate Flooring At Discounted Prices
26.720 S/ft, 16.000 Per Box, 48.000 Inch Long, 5.000 Inch Wide, 0.300 Inch Thick, 35.200 Lbs, Brown, High Pressure Laminate, Plan, Low-luster, Smoth, Interlocking Edge, Interlocking End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, 10 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Mannington SKU: 33206 Category: Laminate Flooring
Armwtrong Marmorette With Naturcote Pumice Gray Vinyl Flooring
Armstrong Marmorette With Naturcote Pumicd Gray Armstrong Marmorette With Naturcote Vinyl Flooring At Discounted Prices
9.000 S/ft, 1.000 Per S/yd Long, 6.500 Lft Wide, 0.098 Inch Thick, 5.700 Lbs, Gray, Sheet, Smooth, Glue Down Install, Perimeter Glue Install
Manufacturer: Armstrong SKU: Lp090 Category: Vinyl Flooring
Mannington Tuscan Valley 3 X 6 Oyster White Tile & Stone
Mannington Tuscan Valley 3 X 6 Oyster White Mannington Tuscan Valley 3 X 6 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
7.510 S/ft, 62.000 Per Box, 6.000 Inch Long, 3.000 Inch Wide Thick, 25.000 Lbs, White,-Porcelain, Rectangle, Straight Edge, Group V Wear Rating, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Mannington SKU: Tv2t03 Category: Tile & Stone
Witex Speedy Elite Plantation Oak Ei340spe
23.80 S.f. Per Box, 25 Year Warranty, Witex Laminate Flooring Ei340spe
Manufacturer: Witex SKU: 16486-100559 Category: Laminate Flooring
Emser Tile Classica 6 X 6 Cream Tile & Stone
Emser Tile Classica 6 X 6 Cream Emser Tile Classica 6 X 6 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
9.950 S/ft, 40.000 Per Box, 6.000 Inch Long, 6.000 Inch Wide Thick, 40.000 Lbs, Off White, Ceramic, Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Emser Tile SKU: 145877 Category: Tile & Stone
Forbo Marmoleum Real 1/10 Italian Pink Vinyl Flooring
Forbo Marmoleum Real 1/10 Italian Pink Offered At $3.56 S/ft, Covers 9.000 Per S/ft, Contains 1.000 Per S/yd In Detail, Measures 6.580 Lft In Width, Is 0.100 Inch Densely, Weighs 5.840 Lbs, In The Gray Color Family, Composed Of Vinyl, Has A Syeet Design Fin
Manufacturer: Forbo SKU: 3260 Category: Vinyl Flooring
Daltile Brixton 6 X 6 Mushroom Tile & Stone
Daltile Brixton 6 X 6 Mushroom Daltile Brixton 6 X 6 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
12.500 S/ft, 50.000 Per Driver's seat, 6.000 Inch Long, 6.000 Ijch Wide Thick, 37.380 Lbs, Beige, Ceramic, Tile, Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: Bx03 661p2 Category: Tile & Stone
Alfagres Bamboo Liners Cp206 Tile & Stone
Alfagres Bamboo Liners Cp206 Alfagres Bamboo Liners Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
1.000 Piece, 1.000 Per Box, 13.000 Inch Long, 2.000 Inch Wide Thick, 4.000 Lbs, Beige, Bamboo, Rectangle, Ceramic, Bumpy, Square Edge, Square End, Glue Down Install
Manufacturer: Alfagres SKU: 146565 Category: Tile & Stone
Radici Usa Biltmore I 8 Round Black Area Rugs
Radici Usa Biltmore I 8 Round Black Radici Usa Biltmore I 8 Round Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 8.000 Lft Extended, 8.000 Lft Wide Thick, 38.000 Lbs, Olefin (polypropylene), Machine Made, Lifetime Warranty
Manufacturer: Radici Usa SKU: 1517 Category: Area Rugs
American Olean Sizzle Strips 6 X 1/2 Teal Tile & Stone
American Olean Sizzle Strips 6 X 1/2 Teal Offered At $2.80 Piece, Covers 1.000 Per Piece, Contains 1.000 Per Ea, Measures 6.000 Inch In Length, Measures 0.500 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 0.060 Lbs, In The Teal Color Family, Composed Of Ceramic, Has A Rect
Manufacturer: American Olean SKU: 0119p612sp Category: Tile & Stone
Daltile Porcealto Unpolished 8 X 8 Rosa Antico Tile & Stone
Daltile Porcealto Unpolished 8 X 8 Rosa Antico Daltile Porcealto Unpolished 8 X 8 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
13.300 S/ft, 30.O00 Per Box, 8.000 Inch Long, 8.000 Inch Wide Thick, 49.880 Lbs, Porcelain, Squares, Straight Edge, Glue Down Install, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: Cd56 881p Category: Tile & Stone
Congoleum Pacesetter - Bombay Slate 6 Multi Beige Slate Vinyl Flooring
Congoleum Pacesetter - Bombay Slate 6 Multi Beige Slate Congoleum Pacesetter - Bomay Slate 6 Vinyl Flooring At Discounted Prices
9.000 S/ft, 1.000 Per S/yd Long, 6.000 Lft Wide Thick, 3.000 Lbs, Beige, Sheet, Smooth, Glue Down Install , Perimeter Glue Install, 10 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Congoleum SKU: 60121 Category: VinylF looring
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- Milliken Serenity 4 x 5 Sandstone Area Rugs
- KAS Oriental Rugs. Inc. Colonial 4 x 5 Colonial Sage/Rust Wildflowers Area Rugs
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- Momeni, Inc. Capri 5 x 8 Black Area Rugs
- Metroflor Konecto - Mediteranea Tile Pearl Vinyl Flooring
- Tilecrest Jocelyn 20 x 20 Walnut Tile & Stone
- Strike Off Company, Inc Oregon State University Oregon State Basketball 24" Area Rugs