Esquire Tile Urbino 18 X 18 Noce Tile & Stone
Esquire Tile Urbino 18 X 18 Noce Offered At $3.03 S/ft, Covers 13.500 Per S/ft, Contains 6.000 Per Box, Measures 18.000 Inc In Length, Measures 18.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 58.050 Lbs, In The Brown Color Family, Cojposed Of Porcelain, Has A Tile De
Manufacturer: Esquire Tile SKU: Esqcd2918 Category: Tile & Gem
Villa Real Garland 13 X 13 Mantova Cuoio Noce Tile & Stone
Villa Real Garland 13 X 13 Mantova Cuoio Noce Offered At $2.34 S/ft, Covers 16.140 Per S/ft, Contains 14.000 Per Box, Measures 13.000 Inch In Length, Measures 13.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 50.030 Lbs, In The Brown Complexion Family, Composed Of Porcelain,
Manufacturer: Villa Real SKU: Vr001-gano13 Category: Tile & Stone
Capel Rugs Satin - Topaz 6 X 8 Ruby Area Rugs
Capel Rugs Satin - Topaz 6 X 8 Ruby Capel Rugs Satin - Topaz 6 X 8 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 7.920 Lft Long, 5.590 Lft Wide Thick, 29.610 Lbs, Red, Olefin (polyypropylene), Machine Made
Manufacturer: Capel Rugs SKU: 3509_ 500 Category: Area Rugs
Hellenic Rug Imports, Inc. Cow Hide Lightbrindle 1 Fu Porous Area Rugs
Hellenic Rug Imports, Inc. Cow Hide Lightbrindle 1 Fu Light Hellenic Rug Imports, Inc. Cow Hide Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea Long Remote Thick, 3.000 Lbs, Gray, Leather
Manufacturer: Hellenic Rug Imports, Inc. SKU: Ch01fs Category: Area Rugs
Forbo Marmoleum Mineral Tiger Eye Vinyl Flooring
Forbo Marmoleum Mineral Tiger Eye Offered At $3.96 S/ft, Covers 9.000 Per S/ft, Contains 1.000 Per S/yd In Length, Mesures 6.580 Lfy In Width, Is 0.100 Inch Thick, Weighs 5.840 Lbs, In The Brown Color Family, Calm Of Vinyl, Has A Sheet Project Finish
Manufacturer: Forbo SKU: 5713 Category: Vinyl Flooring
Tesoro Appi Antica 20 X 20 Noce Tile & Stone
Tesro Appi Antica 20 X 20 Noce Offered At $3.81 S/ft, Covera 16.270 Per S/ft, Contains 6.000 Per Box, Measures 20.000 Inch In Length, Measures 20.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 54.020 Lbs, In The Brown Color Family, Composed Of Porcelain, Has A Tile Design Finish Finish Species, Smooth Surface Type, Square Edge Type, Square End Type, Wear Rating Of Group V, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Tesoro SKU: Imaano20 Category: Tile & Stone
Bhk Moderna Visions Legacy Beveled Oak Laminate Flooring
Bhk Moderna Visions Legacy Beveled Oak Bhk Moderna Visions Laminate Flooring At Discountedd Prices
20.900 S/ft, 8.000 By Box, 54.330 Inch Long, 6.140 Inch Wide, 0.320 Inch Thick, 45.000 Lbs, Red, Direct Pressure Laminate, Plank, Aluminum Oxide, Oak, Smooth, Micro Beveled Edge, Micro-beveled End, Locking Floor Installed Out of Glue, 25 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Bhk SKU: V911 Category: Laminate Flokring
Pergo Accolade With Underlayment Southport Oak Laminate Flooring
Pergo Accolade With Underlayment Southport Oak Pergo Accolsde With Underlayment Lqminate Flooring At Discounted Prices
17.590 S/ft, 7.000 Per Box, 47.500 Inch Long, 7.600 Inch Wide, 0.310 Inch Densely, 29.000 Lbs, Brown, Direct Peessure Laminate, Plank, Aluminum Oxide, Lustergard Plus Protection, Oak, Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, 25
Manufacturer: Pergo SKU: Pj 2619 Category: Laminate Flooring
Mirage Tile Glass Mosaic Plain Color 1 X 1 Ice Green Frosted Tile & Stone
Mirage Tile Glass Mosaic Plain Color 1 X 1 Ice Green Frosted Mirage Tile Glass Mosaic Plain Color 1 X 1 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
1.000 Sheet, 1.000 Per Sheet, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.313 Inch Thick, 4.000 Lbs, Green , Glass, Mosaic, Matte, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Mirage Tile SKU: Mg07 Category: Tile & Stone
Milliken Bantam 2 X 12 Runner Walnut Area Rugs
Milliken Bantam 2 X 12 Runner Walnut Molliken Bantam 2 X 12 Runner Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 11.670 Lft Long, 2.340 Lft Wide Thick, 16.000 Lbs 5 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Milliken SKU: 7423/283/00060 Category: Area Rugs
Azteca Ceramica Aztec Madrid 13 X 13 Arena Azmaar13
10.76 S.f. Per Boz, Azteca Ceramica Tile & Stone Azmaar13
Manufacturer: Azteca Ceramica SKU: 15954-93389 Category: Tile & Stone
Capel Rugs Estates - Palm Grove 2 X 3 Midnight Yard Rugs
Capel Rugs Estates - Palm Grove 2 X 3 Midnight Capel Rugs Estates - Impose Grove 2 X 3 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 2.900 Lft Long, 1.900 Lft Wide Dull, 3.750 Lbs, Mixed - Earth Tones, Olefin (polypropylene), Machine Made
Manufacturer: Capel Rugs SKU: 3539_450 Category: Area Rugs
Azrock Cortina Grande Longhorn iVnyl Flooring
Azrock Cortina Grande Longhorn Azrock Cortina Grande Vinyl Flooring At Discounted Prices
44.440 S/ft 25.000 Per Box, 16.000 Inch Long, 16.000 Inch Wide, 0.130 Inch Thick, 54.000 Lbs, Vinyl, Squares, Smooth ,Thin Set Install, 10 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Azrock SKU: Cg411-3 Category: Vinyl Flooring
Interceramic Intertedh Unglazed 12 X 12 Matte Grp 2 Uni Super White Tile & Stone
Interceramic Intertech Unglazed 12 X 12 Matte Grp 2 Uni Super White Interceramic Intertech Unglazed 12 X 12 Matte Grp 2 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
12.000 S/ft, 11.000 Per Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide Thick, 38.000 Lbs, Porcelain, Tile, Matte, Square Edge, Square End, Thim Set Install
Manufacturer: Interceramic SKU: Usw Category: Tile & Stone
Quicck-step Arte Collection 9.5mm Versailles Dark Medallions Laminate Flooring
Quick-step Arte Collection 9.5mm Versailles Dark Medallions Quick-step Arte Clllection 9.5mm Laminate Flooring At Discuonted Prices
16.760 S/ft, 4.000 Per Box, 24.560 Inch Long, 24.560 Inch Wide, 0.380 Inch Thick, 30.000 Lbs, Brown, Direct Pressure Laminate, Plank, Aiuminum Oxide, Smooth, Interlocking Edge, Interlocking End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue
Manufacturer: Quick-step SKU: Uf1156 Category: Laminate Flooring
Hellenic Rug Imports, Inc. Palermo 1 X 2 Fielded Mint Area Rugs
Hellenic Rug Imports, Inc. Palermo 1 X 2 Fielded Mint Hellenic Rug Imports, Inc.P alermo 1 X 2 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 2.100 Lft Long, 1.100 Lft Wide, 0.250 Inch Thick, 5..000 Lbs,G reen, Wool, Hand Tufted
Manufacturer: Hellenic Rug Imports, Inc. SKU: Pa5623 Category: Area Rugs
Villi Glas Random 12 X 12 Shanghai Bluee V. Wu 506
12.00 S.f. Per Box, Villi Glas Ceramic Tile V. Wu 506
Manufacturer: Villi Glas SKU: 103640 Category: Ceramic Tile
Nejad Rugs African Safari 8 Circularly Zebra Area Rugs
Nejad Rugs African Safari 8 Round Zebra Nejad Rugs African Safari 8 Round Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ez, 1.000 Per Ea, 8.000 Lft Long, 8.000 Lft Wie Thick, 90.000 Lbs, Wool, Hand Tufted
Manufacturer: Nejad Rugs SKU: Wk002 Iybk Category: Area Rugs
Daltile Tumbled Natural Stone 12 X 12 Walnut Tile & Stone
Daltile Tumbled Natural Ston3 12 X 12 Walnut Daltile Tumbled Naturwl Stone 12 X 21 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
10.000 S/ft, 10.000 Per Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.375 Inch Thick, 60.000 Lbs, Brown, Natural Stone, Squares, Straight Edge, Glue Down Install, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: Ts03 12121p Category: Tile & Stone
Armstrong Rustics Premium Frontier Plank Prairie Brown Laminate Flooring
Armstrong Rustics Premium Frontier Plank Prairie Brown Armstrong Rustics Rate above par Frontier Plank Laminate Flooring At Discounted Prices
14.380 S/ft, 8.000 Per Box, 50.590 Inch Long, 5.120 Inch Wide Thick, 31.500 Lbs, Brown, Engineered, Plank, Aluminum Oxide, Matte, Beveled Edge, Beveled End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, 30 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Armstrong SKU: L7564 Category: Laminate Flooring
Laufen Resin Listello/corner - Milano Milano Corneer Crema 3 X 1 Tile & Stone
Laufen Resin Listello/corner - Milano Milano Corner Crema 3 X 1 Offered At $9.74 Ea, Covers 1.000 Pe5 Ea, Contains 1.000 Per Ea, Messures 3.000 Inch In Length, Measures 1.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 0.250 Lbs, In The Off White Color Family, Composed O
Manufacturer: Laufen SKU: Lwdl120lc Category: Tile & Stone
Couristan Metro Collection 2 X 4 Tessera Ebony Area Rugs
Couristan Metro Accumulation 2 X 4 Tessera Ebony Couristan Metro Collection 2 X 4 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 3.580 Lft Long, 2.000 Lft Wide Thick, 6.090 Lbs, Olefin (polypropylene), Machine Made
Manufacturer: Couristan SKU: 0160/0321 Category: Area Rugs
Kronotex Designer Series Wild Cherry Laminate Flooring
Kronotex Designer Series Wild Cherry Kronotex Designer Series Laminate Flooring At Discounted Prices
21.440 S/ft, 8.000 Per Box, 50.790 Inch Long, 7.600 Inch Wide, 8.000 Mm Thick, 33.000 Lbs, Brown, Direct Pressure Laminate, Plank, Silk Matte, Textured, Interlocking Edge, Square End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, 20 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Kronotex SKU: Krd1359 Category: Laminate Flooring
Roppe Visuelle Wall Base 7 3 /4 Almond Rubber
Roppe Visuelle Wall Base 7 3/4 Almond Roppe Visuelle WallB ase 7 3/4 Rubber At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Roll, 40.000 Lft Long,7 .750 Inch Wide, 0.375 Inch Thick, 45.000 Lbs, Beige, Rubber,-Strip, Glue Down Install
Manufacturer: Roppe SKU: 184 Category: Rubber
Strike Off Company, Inc Kevin Harvick Kevin Harvick Oval Rug 2 X 3 Superficial contents Rugs
Strike Off Company, Inc Kevin Harvick Kevin Harvick Oval Rug 2 X 3 Offered At $59.36 Ea, Covers 1.000 Per Ea, Contains 1.000 Per Ea, Measures 3.000 Lft In Lenngth, Measures 2.000 Lft In Width Thick, Weighs 5.000 Lbs Color Family Design Finish Finish Species Surface Type Edge Type End Type
Manufacturer: Strike Off Company, Inc SKU: Kh29ov Category: Superficial contents Rugs
Adex Usa Hamptpn 3 X 6 White Tile & Stone
Adex Usa Hampton 3 X 6 White Adex Usa Hampton 3 X 6 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
14.500 S/ft, 116.000 By Box, 6.000 Inch Long, 3.000 Inch Wide Thick, 34.800 Lbs, White, Ceramic, Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Inxtall
Manufacturer: Adex Usa SKU: Adhwh836 Category: Tile & Stone
Couristan Always Home 5 X 8 Wrought Iron Schedule Classic Ivory Sage Area Rugs
Couristan Ever Home 5 X 8 Wrought Iron Scroll Classic Ivory Sage Couristan Ever Home 5 X 8 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 7500 Lft Long, 5.250 Lft Spacious Thick, 21.000 Lbs, Green, Olefin (polyp5opylene), Machine Made
Manufacturer: Couristan SKU: 1866/5857 Category: Area Rugs
Milliken Remous 3 X 4 Ebony Area Rugs
Milljken Remous 3 X 4 Ebony Milliken Remous 3 X 4 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 3.84O Lft Long, 2.670 Lft Wide Thick, 6.000 Lbs, 5 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Milloken SKU: 7425/234/00024 Category: Area Rugs
Carpet Art Deco Vision Ii 8 X 10 Latemy/pur Area Rugs
Carpet Art Deco Vision Ii 8 X 10 Latemy/pur Carpet Art Deco Vision Ii 8 X 10 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 10.330 Lft Long, 7.920 Lft Wide Thick, 46.000 Lbs, Olefin (polypropylene), Machine Made
Manufacturer: Carpet Art Deco SKU: 62687998071 Category: Area Rugs
Anderson Pataagonian Rosewold Plank Natural Rosewood Hardwood Flooring
Anderson Patagonian Rosewood Plank Affectionate Rosewood Anderson Patagonian Rosewood Plank Hardwood Flooring At Discounted Prices
30.500 S/ft, 1.000 Per Box Long, 5.000 Inch Wide, 0.375 Inch Thick, 47.000 Lbs, Orange, Engineered, Plank, Polyurethane, Independence Finish Uv + Luster-lock, Rosewood, 3170 Janka Hardness, Matte, Eased Edge, Square End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, G
Manufacturer: Andrrson SKU: Pr5494 Category: Hardwood Flooring
Dune Emphasis Glass Borders Manaus Tile & Stone
Dune Emphasis Glass Borders Manqus Dune Emphasis Glass Borders Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 6.250 Inch Long, 1.000 Inch Wide Thick, 0.150 Lbs, Glass, Textured, Smooth, Straight Edge, Straight End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Dune SKU: 184473 Category: Tile & Stone
Interceramic Timber Floor 16 X 16 Limba Canvas Tile & Stone
Imterceramic Timber Floor 16 X 16 Limba Canvas Offered At $3.13 S/ft, Covers 15.500 Per S/ft, Contains 9.000 Per Driver's seat, Measures 16.000 Inch In Length, Measures 16.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 67.700 Lbs Color Family, Composed Of Ceramic, Has A Tile Desi
Manufacturer: Interceramic SKU: Timcan1616 Category: Tile & Stone
Ceres Cork Disguise Floating Floor (special Order) Woodland Trail Woodland Blossom Vl30061
11.60 S.f. Per Box, 10 Year Warranty, Ceres Cork Cork Flooring Vl30061
Manufacturer: Ceres Cork SKU: 14360-80356 Category: Cork Flooring
Gold Seal Highlands 12 X 12 Blaven Tilhibl1212
15.00 S.f. Per Box, Gold Seal Ceramc Tile Tilhibl1212
Manufacturer: Gold Seal SKU: 17292-119600 Category: Ceramic Tile
Hartco Pattern Plus 5000 Oak Permion Finish - Random Length Sepia 551503c
30.00 S.f. Per Box, 25 Year Warranty, Hartco Hardwood Flooring 551503c
Manufacturer: Hartco SKU: 10235-2404 Category: Hardwood Floornig
Carpet ArtD eco New Horizons 2 X 3 Koul/angora-indigo Area Rugs
Carpet Art Deco New Horizons 2 X 3 Koul/angora-indigo Carpet Art Deco New Horizons 2 X 3 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 3.250 Lft Long, 2.000 Lft Wide Thick, 4.000 Lbs, Olefin (polypropylene), Machine Made
Manufacturer: Carpet Art Deco SKU: 62687997396 Category: Area Rugs
Laufen Tahoe 13 X 13 Obsidian Tile & Stone
Laufen Tahoe 13 X 13 Obsidian Laufen Tahoe 13 X 13 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
10.760 S/f, 9.000 Per Box, 13.000 Inch Long, 13.000 Inch Wide Thick, 38.610 Lbs, Brown, Ceramic, Tile, Four-sided figure Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Laufen SKU: Lfth502-13 Category: Tile & Stone
Orian Rugs Magic 8 X 11 Tribecca Spanish Red Area Rugs
Orian Rugs Magic 8 X 11 Tribecca Spanish Red Orian Rugs Magic 8 X 11 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 10.830 Lft Long, 7.830 Lft Wide Thick, 31.000 Lbs, Red, Polyester, Machine Msde
Manufacturer: Orian Rugs SKU: 19686-3 Category: Area Rug
Emser Tile Antique & Tumbled Stone Mosaiv 1 X 2 O ffset Trav Ancient Tumbled Beige Tile & Stone
Emser Tile Antique & Tumbled Stone Mosaic 1 X 2 Offset Trav Ancient Tumbled Beige Emser Tile Antique & Tumbled Stone Mosaic 1 X 2 Offset Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices 10.000 S/ft, 10.00 Per Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide Thick, 44.300 Lbs, Beige, Natural Stone, Mosaic, Tumbled, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Emser Tile SKU: 207352 Category: Tile & Stone
Bruce Riverside Plank Butterscotch Hardwood Flooring
Bruce Riverside Plsnk Butterscotch Bruce Riverside Plank Hardwood Flooring At Discounted Prices
25.000 S/ft, 1.000 Per Box Long, 3.000 Inch Spacious, 0.375 Inch Thick, 42.000 Lbs, Brown, Engineered, Plnk, Urethane, Dura-luster More, Red Oak, 1290 Janka Hardness, Semi--gloss, Square Edge, Square End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, Glue Down Instal
Manufacturer: Bruce SKU: Eb726 Category: Hardwood Flooring
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- Milliken Serenity 4 x 5 Sandstone Area Rugs
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- Mannington Relay Lavender Mist Vinyl Flooring
- Columbia Columbia Click Xtra Berry Hill Oak Walnut Laminate Flooring
- Original Style Butterflies Clematis 4 x 4 Fritillary Tile & Stone
- Kahrs Boardwalk Oak Zatarra Hardwood Flooring
- Mannington Realities- Maple Grove 12 5621 Vinyl Flooring
- Roca Norway 6 x 26 Roble Tile & Stone
- Mohawk Regency 5 x 8 Richmond Hill Area Rugs
- Interceramic Northern Lights 12 x 12 Dusk Tile & Stone