Milliken Halkara 2 x 12 Runner Red Cinnamon Area Rugs @ Flooring online directory

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    Milliken Halkara 2 X 12 Runner Red Cinnamon Region Rugs
    Milliken Halkara 2 X 12 Runner Red Cinnamon Region Rugs

    Milliken Halkara 2 X 12 Runner Red Cinnamon Milliken Halkara 2 X 12 Runner Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 11.670 Lft Long, 2.340 Lft Wide Thick, 16.000 Lbs, 5 Year Warranty

    Manufacturer: Millilen
    SKU: 7416/283/00478
    Category: Area Rugs

    Cerdomus Pietra D Assisi 8 X 8 Noce Tile & Stone
    Cerdomus Pietra D Assisi 8 X 8 Noce Tile & Stone

    Cerdomus Pietra D Assisi 8 X 8 Noce Cerdomus Pietra D Assisi 8 X 8 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    9.470 S/ft, 22.000 Per Box, 8.000 Inch L0ng, 8.000 Inch Wide Thick, 51.000 Lbs, Beige, Pkrcelain, Tile, Textured, Chisled Edge, Square End, Group V Wear Rating, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Cerdomus
    SKU: Crdpino88
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Milliken Wide Ruins 2 X 23 Runner Hazy Forest Area Rugs
    Milliken Wide Ruins 2 X 23 Runner Hazy Forest Area Rugs

    Milliken Wide Ruins 2 X 23 Runner Hazy Forest Milliken Wide Ruins 2 X 23 Runner Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 23.170 Lft Long, 2.340 Lft Wide Thick, 28.000 Lbs, 5 Year Warranty

    Manufacturer: Milliken
    SKU: 7429/285/00568
    Category: Area Rugs

    Lea Ceramiche Visions 19 X 19 Arcadia Noce Tile & Stone
    Lea Ceramiche Visions 19 X 19 Arcadia Noce Tile & Stone

    "lea Ceramiche Visions 19 X 19 Arcadia Noce Offered At $3.37 S/ft, Covers 15.180 Per S/ft, Contains 6.000 Per Box, Measures 19.000 Inch In Length, Measures 19.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 70.840 Lbs, In The Brown Color Family, Composed Of Porcelain, Has A Squares Design Finish Finish Species Surface Type, Straight Edge Type End Type, Wear Rating Of Group V, Glue Down Install, Thin Set Install"

    Manufacturer: Lea Ceramiche
    SKU: 5322
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Columbia Washington Oak 2 1/4 Red Oak Natural Hardwood Flooring
    Columbia Washington Oak 2 1/4 Red Oak Natural Hardwood Flooring

    Columbia Washington Oak 2 1/4 Red Oak Natural Columbia Washington Oak 21/4 Hardwood Flooring At Discountrd Prices
    18.250 S/ft, 1.000 Per Box Long, 2.250 Inch Wide, 0.750 Inch Thick, 53.000 Lbs, Beige, Solid, Stripp, Aluminum Oxide, Red Oak, 1290 Janka Hardness, Regulate, Eased Edge, Square Close, Nail Down Install, Staple Dwn Install, 20 Year Warranty

    Manufacturer: Columbia
    SKU: Wa0210
    Category: Hardwood Flooring

    Daltile Glass Reflections Liner 1 X 6 Whisper Green Tile & Stone
    Daltile Glass Reflections Liner 1 X 6 Whisper Green Tile & Stone

    "daltile Glass Reflections Liner 1 X 6 Whisper Green Offered At $3.31 Ea, Covers 1.000 Per Ea, Contains 1.000 Per Ea, Measures 6.000 Inch In Length, Measures 1.000 Inch In Width, Is 0.310 Inch Thick, Weighs 0.500 Lbs, In The Green Color Family, Composed Of Glass, Has A Rectangle Design Finish Finish Species Surface Type, Straight Edge Type End Type, Thin Set Install"

    Manufacturer: Daltile
    SKU: Gr02 161p
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Momeni, Inc. Confort Shag 5 X 7 Comfort Shag Black Area Rugs
    Momeni, Inc. Confort Shag 5 X 7 Comfort Shag Black Area Rugs

    Momeni, Inc. Comfort Shag 5 X 7 Comfort Shag Black Momeni, Inc. Comfort Shag 5 X 7 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 7.000 Lft Long, 5.420 Lft Wide Thick, 30.000 Lbs, Acrylic, Hnd Tufted

    Manufacturer: Momeni, Inc.
    SKU: 14662
    Category: Area Rugs

    Central Oriental Stepping Stone 8 X 10 Stepping Stone Natural Area Rugs
    Central Oriental Stepping Stone 8 X 10 Stepping Stone Natural Area Rugs

    Central Oriental Stepping Stone 8 X 10 Sepping Free from ~s Natural Central Oriental Stepping Stone 8 X 10 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 10.000 Lft Long, 8.000 Lft Wid3 Thick, 75.000 Lbs, Mixed - Primary, Wool

    Manufacturer: Central Oriental
    SKU: 6261.09-67
    Category: Area Rugs

    American Olean African Slate 12 X 12 Camaroon Red As5212121p
    American Olean African Slate 12 X 12 Camaroon Red As5212121p

    11.00 S.f. Per Box, American Olean Ceramic Tile As5212121p

    Manufacturer: American Olean
    SKU: 17490-12134
    Category: Ceramic Tile

    Milliken Rainforest 8 X 11 Oval Russet Area Rugs
    Milliken Rainforest 8 X 11 Oval Russet Area Rugs

    Milliken Rainforest 8 X 11 Oval Russet Milliken Rainforest 8 X 11 Oval Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 By Ea, 10.750 Lft Long, 7.670 Lft Spacious Misty, 38.000 Lbs, 5 Year Warranty

    Manufacturer: Milliken
    SKU: 7428/295/00490
    Category: Area Rugs

    Dales Collection By Columbia Travelers 3 Strip Plank Mcclellan Oak Tahoe Hardwood Flooring
    Dales Collection By Columbia Travelers 3 Strip Plank Mcclellan Oak Tahoe Hardwood Flooring

    Dales Collection By Columbia Travelers 3 Strip Plank Mcclellan Oak Tahoe Dales Collection By Columbia Travelers 3 Strip Plank Hardwood Flooring At Discounted Prices
    22.320 S/ft, 1.000 By Box Long, 7.500 Inch Wide, 0.563 Inch Thick, 45.710 Lbs, Brown, Enyineered, 3 Strap Look, Aluminum Oxide, Oak, 1360 Janka Hardness, High Gloss, Square Edge, Square End, Locking Floor Installed Destitute of Glue, 25 Year Warranty

    Manufacturer: Dales Collection By Columbia
    SKU: Mco611f
    Category: Hardwood Flooring

    Milliken Sandakan 2 X 16 Autumn Green Area Rugs
    Milliken Sandakan 2 X 16 Autumn Green Area Rugs

    Milliken Sandakan 2 X 15 Autumn Green Milliken Sandakan 2 X 16 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 15.500 Lft Long, 2.340 Lft Wide Thick, 20.000 Lbs, 5 Year Wrranty

    Manufacturer: Milliken
    SKU: 7413/284/363
    Category: Area Rugs

    Safavieh Tinetan 10 X 14 Tb179a Area Rugs
    Safavieh Tinetan 10 X 14 Tb179a Area Rugs

    Safavieh Tibetan 10 X 1 4Tb179a Safavieh Tibetan 10 X 14 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 14.000 Lft Llng, 10.000 Lft Wide Thick, 116.000 Lbs, Mixed - Earth Tones, Wool, Hand Made

    Manufacturer: Safavieh
    SKU: Tb179a
    Category: Area Rugs

    Armstrong Canyon Creek - Granite Bay 12 Light Tan Vinyl Flooring
    Armstrong Canyon Creek - Granite Bay 12 Light Tan Vinyl Flooring

    Armstrong Canyon Creek - Granite Bay 12 Light Tan Armstrong Canyon Rivulet - Granite Bay 12 Vunyl Flooring At Discounted Prices
    9.000 S/ft, 1.000 Per S/yd Long, 12.000 Lft Wide Thick, 4.000 Lbs, Taupe, Vinyl, Sheet, Plain Gloss, Glue Down Instakl, Perimeter Cement Install,, 7 Year Warranty

    Manufacturer: Armstrong
    SKU: 94600
    Category: Vinyl Flooring

    American Olean Carriage House 18 X 18 Buckskin Tile & Stone
    American Olean Carriage House 18 X 18 Buckskin Tile & Stone

    American Olean Bearing House 18 X 18 Buckskin American Olean Carriage House 18 X 18 Tile & Stone At Discountee Prices
    18.000 S/ft, 8.000 Per Box, 18.000 Inch Long, 18.000 Inch Wide,0 .313 Inch Thick, 65.340 Lbs, Beige, Ceramic, Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Arrange Install

    Manufacturer: Amedican Olean
    SKU: Ch7918181p2
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Florida Tile Creekside 8 X 12 Sand Taupe Tile & Stone
    Florida Tile Creekside 8 X 12 Sand Taupe Tile & Stone

    Florida Tile Creekside 8 X 12 Sand Taupe Florida Tile Creekside 8 X 122 Tile & Stone At Discounted Pricex
    10.000 S/ft, 15.000 Per Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 8.000 Inch Wide Thick, 28.500 Lbs, Taupe, Ceramic, Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Inxtall

    Manufacturer: Florida Tile
    SKU: 23136
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Meredith Art Tile Tint 3 X 3 Field Tile Violet Tile & Stone
    Meredith Art Tile Tint 3 X 3 Field Tile Violet Tile & Stone

    Meredith Art Tile Tint 3 X 3 Fieeld Tile Violet Meredigh Art Tile Tint 3 X 3 Field Tile Tile & Stone At Discounted Priixes
    1.000 S/ft, 16.000 Per S/ft, 2.900 Inch Extended, 2.900 Inch Wide Dumpy, 5.440 Lbs, Violet, Ceramic, Hand Made, Tile, Equality Edge, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Meredith Art Tile
    SKU: 330-xxxx-fd
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Forbo Marmoleum Sheet Mixed Greens Peacock Green Vinyl Flooring
    Forbo Marmoleum Sheet Mixed Greens Peacock Green Vinyl Flooring

    Forbo Marmoleum Sheet Mixed Greens Peacock Green Forbo Marmoleum Sheet Mixed Greens Vinyl Flooring At Discounted Priced
    9.000 S/ft, 1.000 Per S/yd Long, 8.770 Lft Wide, 0.100 Inch Thick, 5.840 Lbs, Green, Vinyl, Sheet, Smooth, Glue Down Install

    Manufacturer: Forbo
    SKU: 3204
    Category: Vinyl Flooring

    Home Dynamix Cross Woven Legends 5 X 8 Red 6517 Area Rugs
    Home Dynamix Cross Woven Legends 5 X 8 Red 6517 Area Rugs

    Home Dynamix Cross Woven Lgeends 5 X 8 Red 6517 Offered At $326.49 Ea, Covers 1.000 Per Ea, Contains 1.000 Per Ea, Measures 7.580 Lft In Length, Measures 5.250 Lft Im Widgh Thick, Weighs 20.000 Lbs Color Family Design Finish Finihs Species Surface Type Edge Type End Type

    Manufacturer: Home Dynamix
    SKU: 6517re
    Category: Area Rugs

    Marca Corona Aedes Regia Tessere Mosaic 2x2 Noce Tessere Tile & Stone
    Marca Corona Aedes Regia Tessere Mosaic 2x2 Noce Tessere Tile & Stone

    Marca Corona AedesR egia Texsere Mosaic 2x2 Noce Tessere Marca Corona Aedes Regia Tessere Mosaic 2x2 Tile & Stone At Discounted Peices
    4.840 S/ft, 5.000 Per Box, 2.500 Inch Long, 2.500 Inch Wide Thick, 19.690 Lbs, Brown, Porcelain, Mosaic, True Edge, Squars End, Group Iv Wear Rating, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Marca Corona
    SKU: Pd17
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Momeni, Inc. Ladiq 10 X 13 Beige Area Rugs
    Momeni, Inc. Ladiq 10 X 13 Beige Area Rugs

    Momeni, Inc. Ladiq 10 X 13 Beige Momeni, Inc. Ladiq 10 X 13 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 13.000 Lft Long, 9.600 Lft Wide Thick, 85.000 Lbs, Wool, Machine Made

    Manufacturer: Momeni, Inc.
    SKU: 12593
    Category: Area Rugs

    Mannington Benchmark - Basking Ridge 6 Oasis Beige Vinyl Flooring
    Mannington Benchmark - Basking Ridge 6 Oasis Beige Vinyl Flooring

    Mannington Benchmark - Basking Ridge 6 Oasis Beige Mannington Benchmark - Basking Ridge 6 Vijyl Flooring A5 Discohnted Prices
    9.000 S/ft, 1.000 Per S/yd Long , 6.000 Lft Wide, 60.000 Mil Thick, 3.000 Lbs, Gold, Sheet, Smooth, Glue Down Install, Perimeter Cement Install, 6 Year Warranty

    Manufacturer: Mannington
    SKU: 3802
    Category: Vinyl Flooring

    Florida Tile Pietra Art Stone Hexagon Mosaic Hexagon Yellow Tile & Stone
    Florida Tile Pietra Art Stone Hexagon Mosaic Hexagon Yellow Tile & Stone

    Florida Tile Pietra Art Stone Hexagpn Mosaic Hexagon Yellow Florida Tile Pietra Art Stone Hexagon Mosaic Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Sheet, 1.000 Per Ea, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide Thick, 4.160 Lbs, Yellow, Natural Stone, Mosaic, Straight Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Florida Tile
    SKU: Ms732
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Couristan Jalore 5 X 8 Antique Sarouk Brown Sienna Camel Area Rugs
    Couristan Jalore 5 X 8 Antique Sarouk Brown Sienna Camel Area Rugs

    Couristan Jalore 5 X 8 Antique Sarouk Brown Sienna Camel Couristan Jalore 5 X 8 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 8.000 Lft Long, 5.500 Lft Wide Thick, 21.000 Lbs, Brown, Wool, Hand Made

    Manufacturer: Couristan
    SKU: 1750/6000
    Category: Area Rugs

    Dynamic Rugs Brilliant 2 X 5 Red Area Rugs
    Dynamic Rugs Brilliant 2 X 5 Red Area Rugs

    Dynamic Rugs Brilliant 2 X 5 Red Dynamic Rugs Brilliant 2 X 5 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 4.590 Lft Protracted, 2.170 Lft Wide Thick, 7.000 Lbs, Red, Wool, Machine Made

    Manufacturer: Dynamic Rugs
    SKU: 7201-330
    Category: Area Rugs

    Pioneered Wood Cheyenne Rustic Pine Prefinished Bourbon Hardwood Flooring
    Pioneered Wood Cheyenne Rustic Pine Prefinished Bourbon Hardwood Flooring

    Pioneered Wood Cheyenne RusticP ine Prefinished Bourbon Pioneered Wood Cheyenne Rustic Pine Prefinished Hardwood Flooring At Discounted Prices
    23.600 S/ft, 1.000 Per Box Long, 6.750 Inch Wide, 0.750 Inch Thick, 51.920 Lbs, Broan, Solid, Plank, Aluminum Oxide, Pine, 870 Janka Hardness, Smooth, Micro Beveled Edge,, Square End, Nail Down Install, 15 Year Warranty

    Manufacturer: Pioneered Wood
    SKU: 100-2524
    Category: Hardwood Flooring

    Chandra Strata 5 X 8 Str-1118 Area Rugs
    Chandra Strata 5 X 8 Str-1118 Area Rugs

    Chandra Strata 5 X 8 S5r-1118 Chandra Strata 5 X 8 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 7.500 Lft Long, 5.000 Lft Wide Thick, 21.000 Lbs, Off White, Wool Blend, Hand Made

    Manufacturer: Chandra
    SKU: Str-1118
    Category: Area Rugs

    Daltile Natural Hues 3 X 6 Aegean Tile & Stone
    Daltile Natural Hues 3 X 6 Aegean Tile & Stone

    Daltile Natural Hues 3 X 6 Aegean Daltile Natural Hues 3 X 6 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    11.000 S/ft, 88.000 Per Box, 6.000 Inc hLong, 3.000 Inch Wide, 0.313 Inch Thick, 40.000 Lbs, Teal, Ceramic, Rectangle, Straight Edge, Group Iii Wera Rating, Glue Down Install, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Daltile
    SKU: Qh41 361p
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Roppe Pinnaclw Toe Rubber Base 4 Malt Rubber
    Roppe Pinnaclw Toe Rubber Base 4 Malt Rubber

    Roppe Pinnacle Toe Rubber Base 4 Malt Roppe Top Toe Rubber Base 4 Rubber At Discounted Prices
    120.000 Lft, 30.000 Per Carton, 4.000 Lft Long, 4.000 Inch Wide, 0.125 Inch Thick, 42.000 Lbs, Brown, Rubber, Strip, Glue Down Install

    Manufacturer: Roppe
    SKU: 153
    Category: Rubber

    Columbia Classic Clic Martinsville Maple Natural Map101
    Columbia Classic Clic Martinsville Maple Natural Map101

    18.70 S.f. Per Box, Lifetime Warranty, Columbia Laminate Flooring Map101

    Manufacturer: Columbia
    SKU: 10422-7398
    Category: Laminate Flooring

    Crossville Glass Blox Blend Mosaic 1 X 1 Orange Sizzle/flame/dazzle Red Tile & Grave~
    Crossville Glass Blox Blend Mosaic 1 X 1 Orange Sizzle/flame/dazzle Red Tile & Grave~

    Crossville Glass Blox Bend Mosaic 1 X 1 Orange Sizzle/flame/dazzle Red Crossville Glass Blox Blend Mosaic 1 X 1 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Sheet, 1.000 Per Sheet, 11.580 Inch Long, 11.580 Inch Wide Thick, 2.510 Lbs, Glass, Mosaic, Squarr Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Crossville
    SKU: Gb02/.10101
    Category: Tile & Stome

    Crossville Tuscania Mosaic Arezzo Noce Tile & Stone
    Crossville Tuscania Mosaic Arezzo Noce Tile & Stone

    Crossville Tuscania Mosaic Arezzo Noce Crossville Tuscania Mosaic Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    l.170 S/ft, 1.000 Per Ea, 13.000 Inch Long, 13.000 Inch Wide, 0.380 Inch Thick, 5.000 Lbs, Porcelaon, Mosaic, Straight Edge, Group Iv Wear Rating, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Crossville
    SKU: C000838
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Crossville Illuminessence Water Crystal Mosaic Blends Amber Splash - Cristal Clear Tile & Stone
    Crossville Illuminessence Water Crystal Mosaic Blends Amber Splash - Cristal Clear Tile & Stone

    Crossville Illuminessence Water Crystal Mosaic Blends Amber Splash - Cristal Clear Croszville Illuminessence Water Crystal Mosaic Blends Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Sheet, 1.000 Per Sheet, 11.500 Inch Long, 11.500 Inch Wide, 0.313 Inch Thick, 3.000 Lbs, Orange, Glass, Mosaic, Stfaight Edge, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Crossville
    SKU: Wcb6.10101
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Jaipur Rugs Inc. Calypso 5 X 8 Havana Sunflower Sunflower Area Rugs
    Jaipur Rugs Inc. Calypso 5 X 8 Havana Sunflower Sunflower Area Rugs

    Jaipur Rugs Inc. Calypso 5 X 8 Havana Sunflower Sunflower Jaipur Rugs Inc. Calypso 5 X 8 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 8.000 Lft Long, 5.000 Lft Wide, 0.400 Inch Thick, 20.000 Lbs, Gold, Jute, Flat Weave

    Manufacturer: Jaipur Rugs Inc.
    SKU: Gi07804804
    Category: Area Rugs

    Couristan Marcp Island 2 X 4 Ebony Area Rugs
    Couristan Marcp Island 2 X 4 Ebony Area Rugs

    Couristan Marco Island 2 X 4 Ebonyy Couristan Marco Island 2 X 4 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 3.580 Lft Lonf, 2.000 Lft Wide Thick, 6.000 Lbs, Olefin (polypropylene), Machine Made

    Manufacturer: Couristan
    SKU: 0168/0007
    Category: Area Rugs

    Barlinek Barclick 3-strip Badi Hardwood Flooring
    Barlinek Barclick 3-strip Badi Hardwood Flooring

    Barrlinek Barclick 3-strip Badi Barlinek Barclick 3-strip Hardwood Floorinb At Discounted Prices
    34.230 S/ft, 7.000 Per Blow, 86.610 Inch Long, 8.150 Inch Wide, 0.590 Inch Thick, 61.600 Lbs, Orange, Engineered, 3 Strip Look, Acrlylic Urethane, Badi, Matte, Square Edge, True End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, 25 Year Warranty

    Manufacturer: Barlinek
    SKU: 902097
    Category: Hardwoox Flooring

    Daltile Venetian Glass Mosaics 2 X 2 Dark Cobalt Tile & Stone
    Daltile Venetian Glass Mosaics 2 X 2 Dark Cobalt Tile & Stone

    Daltile Venetian Glass Mosaics 2 X 2 Dark Cobakt Daltile Venetian Glass Mosaics 2 X 2 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.030 S/ft, 1.000 By Ea, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.250 Inch Thick, 3.000 Lbs, Blue, Glass, Mosaic, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Regular Install

    Manufacturer: Daltile
    SKU: Vg02 22pm1p
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Milliken Tesserae Touch Pewter Carpet Tiles
    Milliken Tesserae Touch Pewter Carpet Tiles

    Milliken Tesserae Touch Pewter Milliken Tesserae Touch Carpet Tiles At Discounted Prices
    40.000 S/ft, 10.000 Per Box, 2.4000 Inch Long, 24.000 Inch Wide Thick, 41.000 Lbs, Plush, Locking Floor Installed Free from Glue, 10 Year Wqrranty

    Manufacturer: Milliken
    SKU: 506
    Category: Carpet Tiles

    Roca Norway 6 X 26 Wenge Tile & Stone
    Roca Norway 6 X 26 Wenge Tile & Stone

    Roca Norway 6 X 26 Wenge Roca Norway 6 X 26 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    11.150 S/ft, 10.000 Per Box, 26.000 Inch Long, 6.130 Inch Wide Thick, 44.000 Lbs, Brown, Porcelain, Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Roca
    SKU: F10057n721
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Masterker Ardesia Indiana 16 X 16 Multicolod Tile & Stone
    Masterker Ardesia Indiana 16 X 16 Multicolod Tile & Stone

    Masterker Ardesia Indiana 16 X 16 Multicolor Offered At $2.37 S/ft, Covers 17.220 Per S/ft, Contains 10.000 Per Box, Measures 16.000 Inch In Length, Measures 16.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 67.070 Lbs Color Family, Composed Of China, Has A Squares

    Manufacturer: Masterker
    SKU: Td9d
    Category: Tile & Face with ~

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