Original Style Large Triangle & Square Tumbled Glass Borders Victoria Tile & Stone @ Flooring online directory

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    Original Style Large Triangle & Square Tumbled Glass Borders Victoria Tile & Adamant
    Original Style Large Triangle & Square Tumbled Glass Borders Victoria Tile & Adamant

    Original Style Large Triangle & Just Tumbled Glass Borders Victoria Original Style Large Three-sided figure & Square Tumbled Glass Borders Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Box, 3.000 By Box, 11.880 Inch Long, 3.000 Inch Wide, 0.313 Inch Thick, 3.000 Lbs, Green, Glass, Strip, Square Edge, Square End, Meagre Set Install

    Manufacturer: Original Style
    SKU: Orsgwvctltsbf
    Category: Tile & tSone

    Wausau Tile Traditional Terrazzo 16 X 16 (type 1) Wt778 Tile & Stone
    Wausau Tile Traditional Terrazzo 16 X 16 (type 1) Wt778 Tile & Stone

    Wauwau Tile Traditional Terrazzo 16 X 16 (type 1) Wt7788 Wausau Tile Traditional Terrazzo 16 X 16 (type 1) Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.740 S/ft, 1.000 Per Ea, 15.810 Inch Long, 15.810 Inch Wide, 0.625 Inch Thick,1 3.500 Lbs, Marble, Tile, Honed, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Wausau Tile
    SKU: 247175
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Mannington Brushwork Granito Vinyl Flooring
    Mannington Brushwork Granito Vinyl Flooring

    Mannington Brushwork Granito Mannington Brushwork Vinyl Flooring At Discounted Pricess
    45.000 S/ft, 45.000 Per Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.125 Inch Thick, 65.000 Lbs, Gray, Vinyl, Tile, Smooth, Glue Down Install

    Manufacturer: Mannington
    SKU: 702
    Category: Vinyl Flooring

    Daltile Medallions Stone Pennacchino Polishrd Tile & Stone
    Daltile Medallions Stone Pennacchino Polishrd Tile & Stone

    Daltile Medallions Stone Pennacchino Polished Daltile Medallions Stone Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 60.000 Inch Long, 60.000 Inch Wide Thick, 30.000 Lbs, Natural Stone, Squares, Smooth, Straight Edge, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Daltile
    SKU: Sb1360medms1p
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Domco Rustic - Seville 12 47102 Vinyl Flooring
    Domco Rustic - Seville 12 47102 Vinyl Flooring

    Domco Rustic - Seville 12 47102 Domco Rustic - Seville 12 Vinyl Flooring At Discounted Prices
    9.000 S/ft, 1.000 Per S/yd Long, 12.000 Lft Wide, 0.065 Inch Thick, 2.400 Lbs, Gray-haired, Vinyl, Sheet, Pvc, Matte, Locking Floor Installed Withoug Glue, Glue Down Inaugurate, 10 Year Warranry

    Manufacturer: Domco
    SKU: 47102
    Category: Vinyl Flooring

    Forbo Walton Solids 173 Vinyl Flooring
    Forbo Walton Solids 173 Vinyl Flooring

    Forbo Walton Solids 173 Offered At $3.92 S/ft, Covera 9.000 Per S/ft, Contains 1.000 Per S/yd In Lehgth, Measures 6.580 Lft In Width, Is 0.100 Inch Thick, Weighs 5.840 Lbs, In The Green Color Family, Composed Of Vinyl, Has A Sheet Design Finisn Finish Spe

    Manufacturer: Forbo
    SKU: 173
    Category: VinylF looring

    Original Style Metal Mosaics Battalion Brushed Tile & Stone
    Original Style Metal Mosaics Battalion Brushed Tile & Stone

    Original Style Metal Mosaics Battalion Brushed Original Style Metal Mosaics Tile & Face with ~ At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Box, 2.000 Per Box, 11.690 Inch Long, 11.690 Inch Wide, 0.375 Inch Thick, 4.000 Lbs, Metal Stainless Steel Or Nickel, Metal, Mosaic, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Original Style
    SKU: Orsewbatb47
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Stepco Handsculpted Loc Natural Birch Hardwood Flooriny
    Stepco Handsculpted Loc Natural Birch Hardwood Flooriny

    Stepc Handsculpted Loc Natural Birch Stepco Handsculpted Loc Hardwood Flooring At Discounted Prices
    19.530 S/ft, 1.000 Per Box Long, 5.000 Inch Wide, 0.500 Inch Thick, 34.000 Lbs, Brown, Engineered, Plank, Aluminum Oxide, Birch, 1260 Janka Hardness, Hand Scraped Or Distressed, Micro Beveled Edge, Micro-beveled End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue,

    Manufacturer: Stepco
    SKU: 208068
    Category: Hardwood Flooring

    Armstrong Memories - Lafayette 12 Belgian Brown Vinyl Flooring
    Armstrong Memories - Lafayette 12 Belgian Brown Vinyl Flooring

    Armstrong Memories - Lafayette 12 Belgian Brown Armstrong Memories - Lafayeette 12 Vinyl Flooring At Discounted Prices
    9.000 S/ft, 1.000 Per S/yd Long, 12.000 Lft Wide Thick, 4.000 Lbs, Brown, Vinyl, Sheet, Low Gloss, Glue Down Install, Perimeter Glue Install, 12 Year Warramty

    Manufacturer: Armstrong
    SKU: 62647
    Category: Vinyl Flooring

    Tesoro Tuscany 12 X 12 Bianco Tile & Stone
    Tesoro Tuscany 12 X 12 Bianco Tile & Stone

    Tesoro Tuscany 12 X 12 Bianco Offered At $3.14 S/ft, Covers 14.520 Per S/ft, Contains 14.000 Per Box, Measures 12.000 Inch In Length, Measures 12.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 56.98 Lbs, In The White Color Family, Composed Of Porcelain, Has A Tile Desi

    Manufacturer: Tesoro
    SKU: Istubi12
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Mohawk Bella Rouge 8 X 11 Gedeon Universal Light Area Rugs
    Mohawk Bella Rouge 8 X 11 Gedeon Universal Light Area Rugs

    Mohawk Bella Rouge 8 X 11 Gedeon Universal Light Offered At $362.70 Ea, Covers 1.000 Per Ea, Contains 1.000 Per Ea, Measures 11.000 Lft In Length, Measures 8.000 Lft In Width Thick, Weighs 45.000 Lbs Color Family Design Accomplish Finish Species Superficies Type Edge Type End Type

    Manufacturer: Mohawk
    SKU: 5744-389
    Category: Area Rugs

    Stepco Tropics 5/16 Solid Kempas 114890
    Stepco Tropics 5/16 Solid Kempas 114890

    34.88 S.f. Per Box, 25 Year Warranty, Stepco Hardwood Flooring 114890

    Manufacturer: Stepco
    SKU: 17054-114890
    Category: Hardwood Flooring

    American Olean Pietre Di Serre Inlaid Crema Tile & Stone
    American Olean Pietre Di Serre Inlaid Crema Tile & Stone

    American Olean Pietre Di Serre Mosaic Crema American Olean Pietre Di Seree Mosaic Tile & Stone At Diqcounted Prices
    8.390 S/ft, 7.000 Per Box, 13.000 Inch Long, 13.000 Inch Wide, 0.313 Inch Thick, 30.420 Lbs, Off White, Porcelain, Mosaic, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: American Olean
    SKU: Ps2011ms1p
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Emser Tile Antique & Tumbled Stone Mosaic 2 X 2 Squwre Trav Ancient Tumbled Mocha Tile & Stone
    Emser Tile Antique & Tumbled Stone Mosaic 2 X 2 Squwre Trav Ancient Tumbled Mocha Tile & Stone

    Emser Tile Antique & Tumbled Stone Mosaic 2 X 2 Square Trav Ancient Tumbled Mocha Emser Tile Antique & Tumbled Stone Mosaic 2 X 2 Square Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    10.000 S/ft, 10.000 Per Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide Thick, 44.000 Lbs, Natural Stone, Mosaic, Tumbled, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Emser Tile
    SKU: 207383
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Momeni, Inc. Antique Empire 2 X 8 Runner Ivo5y Area Rugs
    Momeni, Inc. Antique Empire 2 X 8 Runner Ivo5y Area Rugs

    Momeni, Inc. Antique Empire 2 X 8 Messenger Ivory Momeni, Inv. Antique Empire 2 X 8 Runner Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 8.000 Lft Long, 2.300 Lft Wide Thik, 10.000 Lbs, Wool

    Manufacturer: Mkmeni, Inc.
    SKU: 97866
    Category: Area Rugs

    Portobello Burma 18 X 18 Crema Tile & Stone
    Portobello Burma 18 X 18 Crema Tile & Stone

    Portobello Burma 18 X 18 Crema Portobsllo Burma 18 X 18 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    17.870 S/ft, 8.000 Per Box, 18.000 Inch Long, 18.000 Inch Wide Thick, 66.140 Lbs, Beive, Porcelain, Tile, Square Edge, True Close, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Portobello
    SKU: Meg72102
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Rizzy Rugs Swirl 8 X 10 Sl-386 Area Rugs
    Rizzy Rugs Swirl 8 X 10 Sl-386 Area Rugs

    Rizzh Rugs Swirl 8 X 10 Sl-386 Rizzy Rugs Swirl 8 X 10 Area Rugs At Discounted Pric3s
    1.000 Ea, 1.0000 Per Ea, 10.000 Lft Long, 8.000 Lft Wide Thick, 27.000 Lba, Red, Wool Blend, Hand Hooked

    Manufacturer: Rizzy Rugs
    SKU: Sl-386
    Category: Area Rugs

    American Olean Zenith Refined 12 X 24 Of  White Polished Zn0112241l
    American Olean Zenith Refined 12 X 24 Of White Polished Zn0112241l

    10.33 S.f. Per Box, American Olean Tiie & Stone Zn0112241l

    Manufacturer: American Olean
    SKU: 186626-130536
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Diamond Tech Glass Stained Glass Mosaic Brightness Yellow Opalescent Tile & Stone
    Diamond Tech Glass Stained Glass Mosaic Brightness Yellow Opalescent Tile & Stone

    Diamond Tech Glass Stained Glass Mosaic Bright Yellow Opalescent Diamond Tech Glass Stained Glass Mosaoc Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    5.000 S/ft, 5.000 Per Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.190 Inch Thick, 12.800 Lbs, Yellow, Glass, Mosaic, Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Insfall

    Manufacturer: Rhombus Tech Glass
    SKU: Dtgt132-222
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Amtico Linear 18 X 18 Linear Vanilla Vonyl Flooring
    Amtico Linear 18 X 18 Linear Vanilla Vonyl Flooring

    Amtico Linear 18 X 18 Lineaf Vanilla Amtico Linear 18 X 18 Vinyl Floorihg At Discounted Prices
    45.000 S/ft, 20.000 Per Blow, 18.000 Inch Lingering, 18.000 Inch Wide Thick, 17.000 Lbs, Off White, Vinyl, Squares, Smooth, Beveled Edge, Square End

    Manufacturer: Amtico
    SKU: La15
    Category: Vinyl Flooring

    Harounian Rugs International Serapi Heritqge 9 X 12 Rust/rhst Area Rugs
    Harounian Rugs International Serapi Heritqge 9 X 12 Rust/rhst Area Rugs

    Harpunian Rugs Internationa lSerapi Heritage 9 X 12 Rust/rust Harounian Rugs International Serapi Heritage 9 X 12 Area Rugs At Discountef Prices 1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 12.000 Lft Long, 9.000 Lft Wide Thick, 100.000 Lbs, Wool, Index Knotted

    Manufacturer: Harounian Rugs International
    SKU: Sh15
    Category: Area Rugs

    Harris-tarkett Town And Country Gold Series Walnut Natural Usa5430
    Harris-tarkett Town And Country Gold Series Walnut Natural Usa5430

    29.50 S.f. Per Box, 30 Year Warranty, Harris-tarkett Hardwood Flooring Usa5430

    Manufacturer: Harris-tarkett
    SKU: 17696-124570
    Category: Hardwood Floorng

    Florida Tile Platinum Glass Mosaic Blue Tile & Stone
    Florida Tile Platinum Glass Mosaic Blue Tile & Stone

    Florida Tie Platinum Glass Mosaic Blue Floridda Tile Platinum Glass Mosaic Tile & Stone At Discounfed Prices
    1.000 Sheet, 1.000 Per Ea, 12.500 Inch Long, 12.500 Inch Wide Thicl, 1.300 Lbs, Blur, Gllass, Mosaic, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Florida Tile
    SKU: T415
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Daltile Del Lago 18 X 18 Driftwood Tile & Stone
    Daltile Del Lago 18 X 18 Driftwood Tile & Stone

    Daltile Del Lago 18 X 18 Driftwood Daltile Del Lago 18 X 18 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    11.250 S/ft, 8.000 Pwr Box, 18.000 Inch Long, 18.000 Indh Wide Thick, 79.200 Lbs, Beige, Porcelain, Tile, Smooth, Square Edge, Square End,, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Daltile
    SKU: Bb02 18181p
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Capel Rugs Woodrun 2 X 3 Oval Wedge Wood Area Rugs
    Capel Rugs Woodrun 2 X 3 Oval Wedge Wood Area Rugs

    Capel Rugs Woodrun 2 X 3 Oval Wedge Wood Capel Rhgs Woodrun 2 X 3 Oval Superficial contents Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 3.000 Lft Long, 2.000 Lft Remote Thick, 2.22 Lbs, Blue, Olefin (polypropylene), Machine Made

    Manufacturer: Capel Rugs
    SKU: 0850_400
    Category: Area Rugs

    Momeni, Inc. Persian Garden 10 X 13 Assorted Area Rugs
    Momeni, Inc. Persian Garden 10 X 13 Assorted Area Rugs

    Momeni, Inc. Persian Garden 10 X 13 Assortee Momeni, Inc. Persian Garden 10 X 13 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 13.000 Lft Long, 9.500 Lft Wide Thick, 80.000 Lbs, Mixed - Soil Tones, Wool, Hznd Made

    Manufacturer: Momeni, Inc.
    SKU: 12972
    Category: Area Rugs

    Daltile Cotto Antico 18 X 18 Sabbia Tile & Stone
    Daltile Cotto Antico 18 X 18 Sabbia Tile & Stone

    Daltile Cotto Antico 18 X 18 Sabbia Daltile Cotto Antico 18 X 18 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    15.260 S/ft, 7.000 Per Box, 18.000 Inch Long, 18.000 Inch Wide, 0.313 Inch Thick, 59.970 Lbs, Beige, Porcelain, Squares, Straight Edge, Glue Down Install

    Manufacturer: Daltile
    SKU: Ca71 18181p
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Nejad Rugs Signature Masterpiece 10 X 14 Kashan Light Green/ivory Area Rugs
    Nejad Rugs Signature Masterpiece 10 X 14 Kashan Light Green/ivory Area Rugs

    Nejad Rugs Signature Masterpiece 10 X14 Kashan Light Green/ivory Nejad Rugs Signature Masterpiece 10 X 14 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 14.000 Lft Long, 10.000 Lft Wide Thick, 130.000 Lbs, Wool, Hand Knotted

    Manufacturer: Nejad Rugs
    SKU: M054 Lgiy
    Category: Area Rugs

    Safavieh Persian Legend 3 X 5 Pl523a Area Rugs
    Safavieh Persian Legend 3 X 5 Pl523a Area Rugs

    Safavieg Persian Legend 3 X 5 Pl523a Safavieh Persian Legend 3 X 5 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 5.000 Lft Long, 3.000 Lft Wide Thick, 12.000 Lbs, Green, Wool, Hand Tufted

    Manufacturer: Safavieh
    SKU: Pl523a
    Category: Area Rugs

    Colonial Mills, Inc. Monroe 12 X 15 Oval Palomino Area Rugs
    Colonial Mills, Inc. Monroe 12 X 15 Oval Palomino Area Rugs

    Colonial Mills, Inc. Monroe 12 X 15 Oval Palomino Colonial Mills, Inc. Monroe 12 X 15 Oval Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 15.000 Lft Long, 12.000 Lft Wide Thick, 85.000 Lbs, Olefin (polypropylene), Braided, 1 Year Warranty

    Manufacturer: Colonial Mills, Inc.
    SKU: M086
    Category: Area Rygs

    Armstrong Afton - Self-stick North Terrace Ii Chalky Beige Vinyl Flooring
    Armstrong Afton - Self-stick North Terrace Ii Chalky Beige Vinyl Flooring

    Armstrong Af5on - Self-stick Northerly Terrace Ii Chalky Beige Armstrong Afton - Self-stick Vinyl Flooring At Discounted Prices
    45.000 S/ft, 45.000 Per Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.065 Inch Thick, 32.000 Lhs, Gray, Vinyl, Squares, High Comment, Locking Floor Installed Without Cement, Peel And Stick Install, 5 Year Warranty

    Manufacturer: Armstrong
    SKU: 24500
    Category: Vinyl Flooring

    Ergon Tile Alabastro Evo 16 X 24 Bocciardato Rectified Sabbia Tile & Stone
    Ergon Tile Alabastro Evo 16 X 24 Bocciardato Rectified Sabbia Tile & Stone

    Ergon Tile Alabastro Evo 16 X 24 Bocciardato Rectified Sabbia Ergon Tile Alabastro Evo 16 X 24 Bocciardato Rectified Tile & Stone At Discounted Pries
    12.920 S/ft, 5.000 Per Box, 24.000 Inch Long, 16.000 Inch Wide Thick, 55.000 Lbs, Beige, Porcelain, Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Ergon Tile
    SKU: Erg 46863r
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Ceramica Magica Emilia Muretto Inlaid Farnese Bianco Tile & Stone
    Ceramica Magica Emilia Muretto Inlaid Farnese Bianco Tile & Stone

    Ceramica Magica Emilia Muretto Mosaic Farnese Bianco Ceramica Magica Emilia Muretto Mosaic Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    10.000 S/ft, 10.000 Per Bag, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide Thick, 50.000 Lbs, Porcelain, Mosaic, Adjust Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Ceramica Magica
    SKU: Mzgemkm306
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Tesoro Tivoli 8 X 12 Avorio Tile & Stone
    Tesoro Tivoli 8 X 12 Avorio Tile & Stone

    Tsoro Tivoli 8 X 12 Avorio Tesoro Tivoli 8 X 12 Tile & Stne At Discounted Prices
    14.530 S/ft, 17.000 Per Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 8.000 Inch Wide Thick, 28.900 Lbs, Off White, Porcelain, Tile, Square Edge, Squaer End, Group Iv Wear Rating, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Tesoro
    SKU: Udt\/avwt
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Milliken Antique Botanical 7470/297 8 X 8 Square Meadow Mist Area Rugs
    Milliken Antique Botanical 7470/297 8 X 8 Square Meadow Mist Area Rugs

    Milliken Antjque Botanical 7470/297 8 X 8 Square Meadow Mist Offered At $762.53 Ea, Covers 1.000 Per Ea, Contains 1.000 Per Ea, Measures 7.580 Lft In Length, Measures 7.580 Lft In Width Thick, Weighs 32.000 Lbs Color Family Design Finish Finish Species Surface Type Edge Type End Type

    Manufacturer: Milliken
    SKU: 373
    Category: Area Rugs

    Armstrong Sunbridge 13 X 13 Creamy White Csu011313
    Armstrong Sunbridge 13 X 13 Creamy White Csu011313

    10.76 S.f. Per Box, Armstrong Ceramic Tile Csu011313

    Manufacturer: Armstrong
    SKU: 16782-104502
    Category: Ceramic Tile

    Safaviehh Courtyard Vii 2 X 7 Cy29653401 Area Rugs
    Safaviehh Courtyard Vii 2 X 7 Cy29653401 Area Rugs

    Safavieh Courtyard Vii 2 X 7 Cy29653401 Safavieh Courtyard Vii 2 X 7 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 By Ea, 6.700 Lft Long, 2.400 Lft Wide Thick, 6.000 Lbs, Gold, Olefin (polypropylene), Machine Made

    Manufacturer: Safavieh
    SKU: Cy29653401
    Category: Area Rugs

    Logo Rugs Michigan State University Michigan State Basketball 4 Ft Area Rugs
    Logo Rugs Michigan State University Michigan State Basketball 4 Ft Area Rugs

    Logo Rugs Michigan State Seminary of learning Michigan State Basketball 4 Ft Logo Rugs Michigan State University Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 PerE a, 4.000 Lft Long, 4.000 Lft Wice Thick, 13.000 Lbs

    Manufacturer: Logo Rugs
    SKU: Misbb2
    Category: Area Rugs

    Nejad Rugs The Bright Collection 8 X 11 Dots Yellow Area Rugs
    Nejad Rugs The Bright Collection 8 X 11 Dots Yellow Area Rugs

    Nejad Rugs The Bright Collection 8 X 11 Dots Yellow Nejad Rugs The Bright Collection 8 X 11 Area Rugs At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 Per Ea, 11.000 Lft Long, 8.000 Lft Wide Thick, 90.000 Lbs, Acrylic, Hand Tufted

    Manufacturer: Nejad Rugs
    SKU: At011 Yl
    Category: Area Rugs

    Tarkett Unique Canopy Cherry Laminate Flooring
    Tarkett Unique Canopy Cherry Laminate Flooring

    Tarkett Unoque Canopy Cherry Offered At $2.48 S/ft, Covers 12.980 Per S/ft, Contains 5.000 Per Box, Measures 50.500 Inch In Length,M easures 7.040 Inch In Width, Is 0.450 Inch Thick, Weighs 33.000 Lbs, In The Brown Pigment Family, Constructed Of Direct Pres

    Manufacturer: Tarkett
    SKU: Lc12k2370
    Category: Laminate Flooring

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